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We deliver lunchtime workplace sessions and full-day stress reduction workshops.
Our sessions and workshops reduce stress and anxiety and improve productivity.
Our signature 35-minute class combines yoga, breathing techniques

Effective and efficient corporate wellbeing packages for the teams of all sizes

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Our services

restar wellbeing_signature_v2_yoga_breat
Yoga Class

Corporate stress-reduction workshops 

Half-day or full-day workshops to address corporate issues like stress and mindful thinking

35-min lunchtime wellbeing sessions

 Chair yoga+ breathing +meditation

Chair yoga






Annual wellbeing packages 

Our annual packages designed to be part of your company's wellbeing offering to your employees


Why annual package?

- Improve your teams wellbeing


- Consistent results

-Easy to set-up

Home: Services
Yoga Class

Book sessions for your team

Book lunchtime office yoga & meditation session

Try our unique 35-minute session online or on site. Each session combines office yoga, breathing and guided meditation. Fill in the form and we will be in touch to arrange the day & time. We will share Zoom link ahead of the class.

Is your office based in London?

Thank you for your interst. We will be in touch shortly to confirm the date and time. You should receive the confirmation e-mail from us

Home: About

Our clients

The Restar journey

Corporate burnout has become a 'new norm' for many companies. We believe this approach is not sustainable in the long run. Employee wellness and wellbeing has never been more important than today. And we feel companies could do a little more to reward their hard-working teams. This is how was born - we are on a mission to help employers improve corporate & employee wellbeing that is effective, affordable and easy to implement. We have created unique, bespoke and simple sessions for the employees. 
Restar offers lunchtime employee sessions to help teams to de-stress, relax and rejuvenate during lunch breaks.
Our signature 35-minute session combines breathing techniques, desk yoga and guided meditation.
No equipment is required. Book sessions or request a no obligation consultation using the form above.


Contact us

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©2020 by Restar. All rights reserved

Restar Wellbeing Ltd. 160 Kemp House, City Road, London EC1V 2NX

Terms & conditions

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